COVID-19 Updates

Check this page for updates on how Healing Sounds is responding to the pandemic.

March 11, 2022

Masks are not required per the current CDC guidelines; however therapists and clients may stay masked as desired. Please talk to your therapist about what you feel most comfortable with. We are happy to stay masked for your health. Please be kind and understanding when sick and move your appointment to telehealth.

Telehealth/virtual sessions are available for those who prefer not to meet in person.

August 3, 2021

The CDC and Virginia Department of Health recently recommended that people wear face coverings in common areas like waiting rooms of healthcare centers. Although Healing Sounds is a therapy office, we fall under the umbrella of a healthcare center. We will make this change immediately. This change pertains to all clients including fully vaccinated clients and therapists. Determination to wear masks in session will continue to be up to the client and therapist according to CDC guidelines.

May 18, 2021

The CDC guidelines state that fully-vaccinated individuals do not have to wear masks in most indoor settings, except on public transit, in health care facilities, and in congregate settings. In general, people are considered fully vaccinated: 

  1. 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or

  2. 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine

Those who are unvaccinated or not fully-vaccinated are strongly encouraged to wear masks in all settings.  If you prefer our therapists to wear a mask, please notify us and we will happily comply. 

We continue to follow these health related guidelines:

  • Restroom soap dispensers are maintained and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands.

  • Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the therapy rooms and the waiting room.

  • We schedule appointments at specific intervals to minimize the number of people in the waiting room.

  • Equipment, instruments, seating and door knobs are sanitized between each client.

  • Physical contact is not permitted.

  • Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.

  • Common areas are thoroughly disinfected at the end of each day.

May 29, 2020

Office Safety Precautions in Effect During the Pandemic

Healing Sounds is taking the following precautions to protect our patients and help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

● Office seating in the waiting room and in therapy rooms has been arranged for appropriate physical distancing.

● Healing Sounds staff wear face coverings unless it is contraindicated due to health reasons.

● Healing Sounds staff maintain safe distancing.

● Restroom soap dispensers are maintained and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands.

● Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the therapy rooms and the waiting room.

● We schedule appointments at specific intervals to minimize the number of people in the waiting room.

● Equipment, instruments, seating and door knobs are sanitized between each client.

● We ask all patients to wait in their cars until retrieved by therapist for appointment.

● Physical contact is not permitted.

● Tissues and trash bins are easily accessed. Trash is disposed of on a frequent basis.

● Common areas are thoroughly disinfected at the end of each day.

Remote Music Service Options for Long-Term Care and Adult Day Communities

The Problem:

● Because of the coronavirus pandemic, your facility is closed to visitors. No entertainers. No volunteers. No family members or friends.

● You’re spread way too thin, trying to foster a calm, loving community and provide a high-quality activities program, without the extra hands you usually have on deck.

● The rest of the staff is burning out, too. Tensions are running super high, and everyone is anxious to see what happens next.

● Your residents are getting restless, missing their visitors, tired of TV, and wondering what the heck is going on.


Music has always been the way to help ourselves and our communities through crisis.

Maybe you can’t have your musicians and music therapists there in person.

But we’re here to help you access the benefits of music, even with your community on a virtual lockdown.

How We Can Help:

With any of our four remote service options, our board-certified music therapists can help:

● Provide meaningful music activities to your residents

● Help everyone to maintain a calm, healing environment

● Give stressed-out staff members a musical break

● Reduce the need for anti-psychotic and anti-anxiety medications during an especially stressful time (especially important if supplies begin running low!)

● Provide a means for social interaction and emotional support during a time when visitors are restricted

● Give you resources to use now, and well into the future, even after restrictions are lifted

Your alternative Healing Sounds service options:

1. Live, interactive music group or 1:1s

This is the best possible remote replacement for music therapy groups and individual music therapy experiences. With the appropriate technology in place, we can STILL engage your residents in meaningful music experiences, while following precautions and restrictions related to COVID-19.

What we’ll do: ● Lead singing ● Lead movement to music experiences ● Facilitate discussion with questions and anecdotes ● Show photos related to discussion topics

Technology requirements- group: ● Broadband internet access ● Speakers connected to your video device, loud enough for participants to hear ● HIPAA compliant software options: ○ Google Meet ○ (available in a browser) ● Video options: Projector, large screen/wall, and computer, Computer/laptop with a large display, SmartTV that will allow you to project what is on your laptop/tablet/phone

Technology requirements - individual: ● Smartphone/tablet/laptop with internet access● Caregiver or staff to initiate session through HIPAA compliant software

2. Pre-recorded music programs

Music programs will be designed with your group in mind, pre-recorded and sent to you to use as you please on any SmartTV, computer, or tablet with internet capability. This is a great alternative to our live video-streamed music therapy sessions and can be used in small groups or in individual resident rooms to continue social distancing while decreasing isolation.

What you’ll get: ● Pre-recorded videos from us. Click play once to hear the whole program.

Technology requirements: ● Broadband internet access ● Speakers connected to your video device, loud enough for participants to hear ● Access to YouTube ● Video options: Projector, large screen/wall, and computer/tablet/phone, Computer/laptop with a large display, SmartTV with access to YouTube

3. Music-Based activities for staff use

Use these music-based activities at any time to give residents opportunities to engage in music and discussion or private reflection. These activities are designed so that anyone despite musical capabilities can feel confident leading. A resident could even utilize these activities on their own or with a friend! It’s so much better than TV!

● Musician biographies explore the lives of famous musicians through their music. Information on the musician’s life story is interspersed with a playlist of their songs. Includes discussion questions and creative ideas for experiencing the songs.

● Themed playlists bring you a set of songs on a similar topic, to spark reminiscence and discussion on a theme. Background context, fun facts, discussion questions, and creative ideas for experiencing the songs are given.

What you’ll get: ● A curated playlist, all on YouTube. Click play once to hear the whole program. ● A printable version of the written resource ● Accompanying photos, to print out or show on your tablet device

Technology requirements: ● Broadband internet access ● Speakers connected to your video device, loud enough for participants to hear ● Access to YouTube ● Video options: Projector, large screen/wall, and computer/tablet/phone, Computer/laptop with a large display, SmartTV with access to YouTube

4. Personalized playlists

Take advantage of this opportunity to build up your recorded music program! Our music therapists will interview your resident over video or phone conferencing, sing or play recordings of songs, and build a playlist just for them. This playlist will then be transferred to YouTube or Spotify, using a special link just for them, so you can continue using these songs for individualized music activities now and long after the quarantines end.

Technology requirements: ● Smartphone/tablet/laptop with internet access ● Software: Google Meet or (via browser) or phone

We know this is a difficult time. Let music be a way to ease this uncertainty. Healing Sounds music therapists are ready and able to continue to provide services despite the mandated distance.


March 12, 2020


Healing Sounds (HS) takes the current spread of COVID19 with the utmost seriousness and concern. We are aware of the vulnerable health conditions of many individuals with whom we work and are committed to both protecting and serving our communities to the best of our ability. In order to ensure this commitment, HS has been, and will continue to, monitor the status of the virus and all national, state, and local government and healthcare agencies for policies and guidelines to best protect our communities.

For those clients and agencies where on site services must be cancelled due to quarantine, or reduced for additional prevention procedures, HS will work virtually with onsite agency staff and caregivers to coordinate and implement therapeutic music supports, and when possible and appropriate, provide virtual therapy sessions or alternative on-site sessions.  We recognize the stress of isolation and fear, especially in communities with low social support or that are vulnerable to disease.

Supports we are prepared to provide in addition to, or in lieu of, on-site music therapy services that address needs that may arise due to COVID19:

  • Personalized playlists and other music listening recommendations to provide non-pharmaceutical symptom management and assist in reducing medication usage

  • Music-based activities and accompanying music playlists individualized to the strengths and needs of the community or client to provide stimulation and engagement for use during periods of reduced visitation and life enrichment opportunities

  • On-site or webinar based inservice for music-based self-care strategies to address staff/caregiver anxiety and burnout

  • Mnemonic music and songs to teach, reinforce, and support good hygiene, handwashing and germ minimizing procedures for all ages, clients, and staff/caregivers, as appropriate for needs

  • Virtual or Teletherapy appointments for groups or clients to provide continuity of services and to provide additional support to enrich wellbeing when quarantined or when social opportunities have been reduced

  • Music therapy services on the patio or outside of client windows to lessen stress and uncertainty while providing empathy and support

As stated in our letter dated March 10, 2020, please know that your decision to receive services from board certified music therapists means that you can expect the same level of infection control procedures as any other qualified healthcare professional. We welcome and comply whenever possible with any additional infection control procedures requested by agencies and clients prior to entering, and returning to provide regular services in facilities and homes. 

HS continues to take infection control seriously and are following the steps outlined by the CDC:

  • Any therapist displaying symptoms of COVID19 (coughing, sneezing, fever, shortness of breath) will cease visits immediately and get tested for COVID19. Any therapist with this diagnosis or exposures will quarantine themselves and refrain from services until a doctor has approved them to return to work.

  • HS therapists will adhere to proper hand hygiene protocol, before and after all patient contact.

  • All instruments/materials will be thoroughly cleaned with Lysol disinfectant wipes after each music therapy session.

  • HS therapists will avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands and will avoid close contact with anyone who is sick or displaying/developing symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, fever, and shortness of breath.

Your assigned music therapist or I will be in contact with you in the next few days and weeks to coordinate and make adjustments to session schedules or formats. If you have any immediate concerns, please contact me at 804-466-3130 x700 or .

Thank you for your diligence, care, and cooperation in protecting and serving our community members!


Anna McChesney, MS, LPC, MT-BC

CEO, Healing Sounds, LLC

Licensed Professional Counselor 

Board Certified Music Therapist

March 10, 2020


With the recent news about COVID-19 diagnoses in Virginia, I am writing to reassure you that the Healing Sounds team is following these developments closely. Nothing is more important to us than the safety of the citizens we serve, and we are putting extra attention into the infection control procedures we have always had in place.

We have reviewed our infection control policies and procedures as a team, following a review of recommendations from the CDC and the American Music Therapy Association, and we will continue working with our clients in a manner that minimizes infection risk.

First, our therapists all wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after contact with clients. We have reviewed proper handwashing procedures and use of hand sanitizer. Our therapists carry hand sanitizer with them.

Second, we have procedures for keeping our instruments clean, using bleach wipes and spray. Our therapists carry bleach wipes with them in their vehicles.

During this period of heightened risk, we have also minimized the number of instruments we use that are difficult to clean, and we have reviewed ways to minimize physical touch during greetings and sessions without compromising the quality of our music therapy services.

When you hired board-certified music therapists, you hired folks who know what to do to reduce the spread of infection. Infection control is one of the competencies covered in music therapy education and training, and is tested on our board-certification exam. We have trained in medical settings with strict infection control protocols. We also consider it an ethical obligation to stay home when sick.

We value having you as a partner in care for the community members we all serve and in navigating this public health concern. As always, thank you for the opportunity to better our Virginians well-being through music!

Musically yours,

Anna McChesney, MS, LPC, MT-BC

CEO, Healing Sounds, LLC

Licensed Professional Counselor

Board Certified Music Therapist