Why Should I consider Therapy This Year?

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When you envisioned your business and personal goals for 2020, you had no idea what was going to transpire in the coming months. As the year comes to an end, the stress and uncertainty is not.  You may be struggling in your role as a parent, spouse, worker or friend. Issues with depression or anxiety may have started with the pandemic or may have been present for years. Therapy is designed to help people achieve personal growth and fulfillment. With that said, read along for 5 reasons why you should be in therapy this year.

2020 Is No Joke

Do you feel like each day brings new challenges, issues or considerations? Do you feel overwhelmed with the amount of responsibility that you have now? The year 2020 has brought on new stressors in many areas of life to include finances, workload and your family’s health and safety to name a few. You’ve got so much going on and it can be helpful to have someone to offer impartial support and guidance

#AllTheBooks Aren’t Helping

You can search on the internet and find thousands of books and articles that offer answers, but they aren’t bringing relief after reading them, if you even have time to read them!  A therapist can provide resources with the session that may be helpful to your specific experience and be a better use of your time.  Therapists are trained to find resources and use techniques that will best help you. This may include specific handouts or links that review what was discussed within the session. In addition, it may be helpful to try action steps instead of reading and researching. This may look like expressing yourself through creative means or practicing strategies that can be translated into your daily life.

You Are Experiencing Isolation Even If You Aren’t Alone

Many people have been experiencing feelings of isolation even if they report being surrounded by people at work or home. The feeling of isolation may come from disconnection, overwhelm, or loneliness.  Within therapy, you can have a safe place to work through your feelings and change the way you are experiencing your life

Exhaustion Is Running Your Life

You may feel like exhaustion is running your life, your decisions, and your daily interactions with people. Exhaustion might be taking all of your focus away from your tasks at work or home and leaving you frustrated.  You may be looking to TV shows, YouTube and social media for relief, but it’s not working.  You’re still exhausted. This is a sign that you may benefit from a therapist's support

You Are Ready To Live Differently

Maybe you are ready to invest your time and energy into making lasting change in your life. Your therapist will work with you to create a safe and calm space to change.  The choice is yours to continue to live out 2020 the way you have been, or to achieve personal growth and fulfillment. After attending counseling regularly, clients report less anxiety and worry, better time management, and a change in self-confidence

If you are ready to live a life that is content, calm and fulfilled, follow these three simple steps!  First, schedule a consultation to see which therapist is right for you. Then, attend an assessment to co-design a plan to accomplish your goals. And finally, commit to getting results and improving your quality of life! 

Don’t let the stress of 2020 control you; make a choice to live differently and start therapy, today!

Anna McChesney